Trademark and competition laws are violated via product and brand piracy. As a company within the investigative business, we are glad to assist you with investigations and the fight against product and brand piracy.
Detect and Counteract Product & Brand Piracy:
This field is embedded in an overall strategy, which defines its goal by the disclosure and annihilation of: A) gray-markets, which occur when non-authorized suppliers sell branded products outside of the manufacturer’s official distribution system in other markets than the designated target markets, B) criminal manufacturing- and supplying structures – where plagiarism takes place and/or counterfeit products are being distributed. In close cooperation with the client – in particular with the client’s legal department and lawyers’ offices – RCS tries to free the market effectively of plagiarism and counterfeit products. Also, RCS tries to detect assets related to the criminals in order to convey it accordingly to the damaged company.
Our Services:
- Product and brand research via internet/internet auction houses
- Permanent screening of internet and internet auction platforms (e.g. eBay)
- Identification of criminal structures: Manufacturer and/or supplier
- Test purchases
- Documentation via case files
- Market overviews and statistics
- Check of marketing and distribution paths
Our Goal:
- To avoid image loss
- To avoid financial loss
- To implement internal control systems
- Obtaining facts presentable at the court of law
With years of experience in the field of trademark infringement & product piracy, we are the right partner for your problem. Satisfied clients and absolute discretion characterize us.
We gladly accept the challenge! Surely, by now you want to know more about the core focus of RCS. Just call us on Tel. 06103 - 804980 or send us a message by email. We look forward to your contact request!